Person Ruiz, A.

Publication Citations

  • Barker, J S F, Frydenberg, J, González, J, Davies, H I, Ruiz, A, Sørensen, J G, and Loeschcke, V, 'Bottlenecks, population differentiation and apparent selection at microsatellite loci in Australian Drosophila buzzatii', Heredity, vol. 102, no. 4, 2009, pp. 389-401. Details
  • Barker, J.S.F., Frydenberg,J., González, J., Davies, H.I., Ruiz, A., Sørensen, J.G. and Loeschcke, V., 'Corrigendum: Bottlenecks, population differentiation and apparent selection at microsatellite loci in Australian Drosophila buzzatii', Heredity, vol. 102, no. 6, 2009, p. 626. Details