Browse Keywords
Drosophila melanogaster
- Lee et al. 2011, Polymorphism in the couch potato gene clines in eastern Australia but is not associated with ovarian dormancy in Drosophila melanogaster, Molecular Ecology
- Lee et al. 2013, Polymorphism in the neurofibromin gene, Nf1, is associated with antagonistic selection on wing size and development time in Drosophila melanogaster, Molecular Ecology
- McKechnie et al. 2010, A clinally varying promoter polymorphism associated with adaptive variation in wing size in Drosophila, Molecular Ecology
Drosophila birchii
Drosophila bunnanda
Drosophila jambulina
Drosophila kikkawai
Drosophila melanogaster
Drosophila serrata
- Magiafoglou et al. 2002, Shifting clinal patterns and microsatellite variation in Drosophila serrata populations: a comparison of populations near the southern border of the species range, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Schiffer & McEvey 2006, Drosophila bunnanda-a new species from northern Australia with notes on other Australian members of the montium subgroup (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Zootaxa
Drosophila simulans
- Collinge et al. 2006, Altitudinal patterns for latitudinally varying traits and polymorphic markers in Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Griffiths et al. 2005, Clinal variation and laboratory adaptation in the rainforest species Drosophila birchii for stress resistance, wing size, wing shape and development time, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Drosophila pigmentation
montium subgroup
- Barker 2013, Genetic history of a colonizing population: Drosophila buzzatii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Australia, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
- Hoffmann et al. 2012, A proline repeat polymorphism of the Frost gene of Drosophila melanogaster showing clinal variation but not associated with cold resistance
Altitude variation
Artificial selection
Body size
- Arthur et al. 2008, Investigating latitudinal clines for life history and stress resistance traits in Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Hoffmann et al. 2001, Levels of variation in stress resistance in Drosophila among strains, local populations, and geographic regions: Patterns for desiccation, starvation, cold resistance, and associated traits, Evolution
- McKechnie et al. 2010, A clinally varying promoter polymorphism associated with adaptive variation in wing size in Drosophila, Molecular Ecology
Cactophilic Drosophila
- Barker et al. 2005, Geographical distributions, relative abundance and coexistence of Drosophila aldrichi and Drosophila buzzatii in Australia, Austral Ecology
- Barker et al. 2009, Bottlenecks, population differentiation and apparent selection at microsatellite loci in Australian Drosophila buzzatii, Heredity
Candidate gene
- Hoffmann et al. 2012, A proline repeat polymorphism of the Frost gene of Drosophila melanogaster showing clinal variation but not associated with cold resistance
- Lee et al. 2013, Polymorphism in the neurofibromin gene, Nf1, is associated with antagonistic selection on wing size and development time in Drosophila melanogaster, Molecular Ecology
- Sgrò et al. 2013, Complexity of the genetic basis of ageing in nature revealed by a clinal study of lifespan and methuselah, a gene for ageing, in Drosophila from eastern Australia, Molecular Ecology
Chloroplast DNA
Climate Adaptation
Climate profile
Clinal variation
- Telonis-Scott et al. 2011, The molecular genetics of clinal variation: a case study of ebony and thoracic trident pigmentation in Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia, Molecular Ecology
- Weeks et al. 2005, In search of clinal variation in the period and clock timing genes in Australian Drosophila melanogaster populations, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Hoffmann & Shirriffs 2002, Geographic variation for wing shape in Drosophila serrata, Evolution
- Hoffmann et al. 2012, A proline repeat polymorphism of the Frost gene of Drosophila melanogaster showing clinal variation but not associated with cold resistance
- James & Partridge 1995, Thermal evolution of rate of larval development in Drosophila melanogaster in laboratory and field populations, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Lee et al. 2011, Polymorphism in the couch potato gene clines in eastern Australia but is not associated with ovarian dormancy in Drosophila melanogaster, Molecular Ecology
- Lee et al. 2013, Polymorphism in the neurofibromin gene, Nf1, is associated with antagonistic selection on wing size and development time in Drosophila melanogaster, Molecular Ecology
- Magiafoglou et al. 2002, Shifting clinal patterns and microsatellite variation in Drosophila serrata populations: a comparison of populations near the southern border of the species range, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Rako et al. 2009, Clinal variation in post-winter male fertility retention; an adaptive overwintering strategy in Drosophila melanogaster, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Sgrò et al. 2013, Complexity of the genetic basis of ageing in nature revealed by a clinal study of lifespan and methuselah, a gene for ageing, in Drosophila from eastern Australia, Molecular Ecology
- Hoffmann et al. 2012, A proline repeat polymorphism of the Frost gene of Drosophila melanogaster showing clinal variation but not associated with cold resistance
- van Heerwaarden & Sgrò 2011, The effect of developmental temperature on the genetic architecture underlying size and thermal clines in Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans from the east coast of Australia, Evolution
Cold shock
Cytoplasmic incompatibility
Delayed reproduction
Demographic inferences
Egg volume
Field cage
Fitness-related traits
Flower breeders
GATA box
Gene expression
Genetic differentiation
Genetic diversity
Genetic drift
Genetic variation
Genotype-climate associations
Genotype-environment interaction
Geographic comparisons
Geographic range
Geographic variation
Geographical variation
- Hoffmann et al. 2002, Opposing clines for high and low temperature resistance in Drosophila melanogaster, Ecology Letters
- Magiafoglou et al. 2002, Shifting clinal patterns and microsatellite variation in Drosophila serrata populations: a comparison of populations near the southern border of the species range, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Heat shock
Heat shock gene polymorphism
Host races
Interspecific competition
Intraspecific polymorphisms
- Arthur et al. 2008, Investigating latitudinal clines for life history and stress resistance traits in Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Kennington & Hoffmann 2013, Patterns of genetic variation across inversions: geographic variation in the In(2L)t inversion in populations of Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia, BMC Evolutionary Biology
- van Heerwaarden & Sgrò 2011, The effect of developmental temperature on the genetic architecture underlying size and thermal clines in Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans from the east coast of Australia, Evolution
Isofemale strains
Laboratory adaptation
Laboratory evolution
Latitudinal cline
- Arthur et al. 2008, Investigating latitudinal clines for life history and stress resistance traits in Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Azevedo et al. 1996, Thermal evolution of egg size in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution
- Azevedo et al. 1998, Latitudinal variation of wing: thorax size ratio and wing-aspect ratio in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution
- Kennington & Hoffmann 2013, Patterns of genetic variation across inversions: geographic variation in the In(2L)t inversion in populations of Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia, BMC Evolutionary Biology
Latitudinal transect
Latitudinal variation
- James & Partridge 1995, Thermal evolution of rate of larval development in Drosophila melanogaster in laboratory and field populations, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- McKechnie et al. 2010, A clinally varying promoter polymorphism associated with adaptive variation in wing size in Drosophila, Molecular Ecology
Life history
Life-history traits
Line cross
Linkage disequilibrium
Male fertility
- Barker 2005, Population structure and host-plant specialization in two Scaptodrosophila flower-breeding species, Heredity
- Collinge et al. 2006, Altitudinal patterns for latitudinally varying traits and polymorphic markers in Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Natural selection
Novel environments
Null alleles
Ovariole number
Phenotypic plasticity
- Azevedo et al. 1996, Thermal evolution of egg size in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution
- Azevedo et al. 1998, Latitudinal variation of wing: thorax size ratio and wing-aspect ratio in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution
Population structure
- Barker 2005, Population structure and host-plant specialization in two Scaptodrosophila flower-breeding species, Heredity
- Kennington & Hoffmann 2013, Patterns of genetic variation across inversions: geographic variation in the In(2L)t inversion in populations of Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia, BMC Evolutionary Biology
- Loeschcke et al. 2000, Variation in body size and life history traits in Drosophila aldrichi and D. buzzatii from a latitudinal cline in eastern Australia, Heredity
Population variation
Range expansion
Seasonal variation
- Barker 2013, Genetic history of a colonizing population: Drosophila buzzatii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Australia, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
- Hoffmann et al. 2003, Overwintering in Drosophila melanogaster: outdoor field cage experiments on clinal and laboratory selected populations help to elucidate traits under selection
Spatial heterogeneity
- Magiafoglou et al. 2002, Shifting clinal patterns and microsatellite variation in Drosophila serrata populations: a comparison of populations near the southern border of the species range, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Mitrovski & Hoffmann 2001, Postponed reproduction as an adaptation to winter conditions in Drosophila melanogaster: evidence for clinal variation under semi-natural conditions, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B
Stress resistance
- Arthur et al. 2008, Investigating latitudinal clines for life history and stress resistance traits in Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Griffiths et al. 2005, Clinal variation and laboratory adaptation in the rainforest species Drosophila birchii for stress resistance, wing size, wing shape and development time, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
- Hoffmann et al. 2001, Levels of variation in stress resistance in Drosophila among strains, local populations, and geographic regions: Patterns for desiccation, starvation, cold resistance, and associated traits, Evolution
- Azevedo et al. 1996, Thermal evolution of egg size in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution
- James & Partridge 1995, Thermal evolution of rate of larval development in Drosophila melanogaster in laboratory and field populations, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Thermal selection
- Azevedo et al. 1996, Thermal evolution of egg size in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution
- Azevedo et al. 1998, Latitudinal variation of wing: thorax size ratio and wing-aspect ratio in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution