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Azevedo et al. 1996, Thermal evolution of egg size in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution
James & Partridge 1995, Thermal evolution of rate of larval development in Drosophila melanogaster in laboratory and field populations, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Terrestrial Ecology
Genomic Basis of Adaptation to Climate Change, Science & Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF) Research Grants
Thermal selection
Azevedo et al. 1996, Thermal evolution of egg size in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution
Azevedo et al. 1998, Latitudinal variation of wing: thorax size ratio and wing-aspect ratio in Drosophila melanogaster, Evolution
Thermal tolerance
Collinge et al. 2006, Altitudinal patterns for latitudinally varying traits and polymorphic markers in Drosophila melanogaster from eastern Australia, Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Hoffmann et al. 2002, Opposing clines for high and low temperature resistance in Drosophila melanogaster, Ecology Letters
Thoracic trident pigmentation scores
38 Telonis-Scott et al. 2011, Raw Pigmentation Data
39 Telonis-Scott et al. 2011, Average PCR Pigmentation
van Heerwaarden & Sgrò 2011, The effect of developmental temperature on the genetic architecture underlying size and thermal clines in Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans from the east coast of Australia, Evolution
Thorax length
11 Hoffmann et al. 2001, Line means
20 James et al. 1995, Thorax length and wing traits
36 Rako et al. 2009, Male size 2008
42 Van Heerwaarden & Sgrò 2011, D. melanogaster thorax length
45 Van Heerwaarden & Sgrò 2011, D. simulans thorax length
71 James et al. 1997, Thorax length and wing traits
80 Loeschcke et al. 2000 Thorax and wing traits natural populations
83 Loeschcke et al. 2000 Thorax and wing traits lab populations
Time to pupation
19 James & Partridge 1995, Time to pupation